Category: Reflection

How to Pray 6: Five Finger Prayer

Welcome to the final part of ‘How to Pray’, as Helen McCormick shares how to pray the Five Finger Prayer…  

How to Pray 5: Daily Examen

How to Pray 4: Finger Labyrinth

How to pray 2: Lectio Divina


How to Pray 1: The Lord’s Prayer (Eileen Bowman)

Welcome to the first in a new series on prayer, brought to us by Eileen Bowman. This week, Eileen shares her thoughts on The Lord’s Prayer…  

New Beginnings 4: ‘Lifting our gaze upward’

Welcome to the next in our New Beginnings series, with a reflection on lifting our gaze upward by Ed Gunn, on the wonderful promises in Ephesians 1:3-14…

New Beginnings 2: ‘A touch from Jesus’

Welcome to the second part in our series, with Helen McCormick bringing us a reflection on ‘A touch from Jesus’ (Luke 8:40-56).  

Advent Journey with Jesus: Love

Welcome to week 3 of our Advent Journey With Jesus, with Revd. Sarah Cliff bringing us a reflection – and some questions – on the theme of ‘Love’… Many thanks to Revd. Sarah for blessing us with this.  

Advent Journey with Jesus: Peace

Welcome to the second part of our Journey with Jesus this Advent, with a reflection on Peace from Stephen Gardiner! Thank you, Stephen, for blessing us with this.

Splinters of Light: Volitional Life

Welcome to our final entry in our Splinters of Light series, which explores the curious tale of a prophet and his donkey (Numbers 22:1-35)…