Category: New Beginnings

New Beginnings 5: ‘New opportunities’

Our Service of the Word for February. With Eileen Bowman speaking on Jeremiah 29.4-14 as part of our New Beginnings series.  

New Beginnings 4: ‘Lifting our gaze upward’

Welcome to the next in our New Beginnings series, with a reflection on lifting our gaze upward by Ed Gunn, on the wonderful promises in Ephesians 1:3-14…

New Beginnings 3: ‘Seasons’

New Beginnings 2: ‘A touch from Jesus’

Welcome to the second part in our series, with Helen McCormick bringing us a reflection on ‘A touch from Jesus’ (Luke 8:40-56).  

New Beginnings 1: ‘A New Beginning’

Welcome to our first Service of the Word for 2021 — and the first in our new series, ‘New Beginnings’. With Revd. Jeff bringing us a talk from Joshua 3, Christine Marsh providing us with our Bible reading, and Helen McCormick leading our time of prayer.