Category: News

St Clares Open

St Andrews Open

Fund Raising with Amazon Smile

  As Christmas approaches please consider helping the Parish to fund raise by registering with Amazon Smile.  More information via the links below.  

Keeping a roof over our Head at St Clare’s

Risk Assessment for opening St Andrews Church for private prayer

Churches open for private prayer

Risk Assessment for Opening Church

After discussions with our PCC, undertaking this detailed risk assessment, and making preparations… St. Clare’s Church will be open for private prayer from 11am until 1pm  Sunday. All are welcome, stay for as long or as little a time as you wish.      

Happy 10th birthday to our Shine Choir!

10 Wonderful Years of Shining with SHINE CHOIR ???? Many people to thank – especially the original team Kerry Cooper – thank you for your dedication and love ? The amazing commitment , love and support of Robin and Sandra Wilson , Ron and Joyce Davison , Des and Heather Swallow and Ernie Temple and …

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We give because God gave first.

Support our work across the Parish of Great Aycliffe through text giving. With a reflection from Revd. Ann.  

Celebrate VE Day 75 with the nation

“My dear friends, this is your hour. This is not victory of a party or of any class. It’s a victory of the great British nation as a whole.” (Winston Churchill, 8th May 1945) Today, we commemorate – and celebrate – the end of the Second World War in Europe 75 years ago. Of course, …

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