Category: Online Services

Our Christingle service with Revd. Ann and Revd. Jeff!

Service of the Word: Sunday 20th December

Welcome to this month’s Service of the Word, led by Helen McCormick and with a talk by Rev Ann Anderson.  

Holy Communion at St Clare’s: 20th December

Holy Communion at St Andrew’s: 13th December 2020

Holy Communion at St Clare’s: 13th December 2020

Holy Communion at St Andrew’s: 6th December


Service of the Word: 6th December

Welcome to our Service of the Word for this second week of Advent – with a talk from Ed Gunn, prayers from Sue Brodhurst and Bible reading by Izzy Walsh!

Holy Communion at St Clare’s: 6th December


Splinters of Light: Volitional Life

Welcome to our final entry in our Splinters of Light series, which explores the curious tale of a prophet and his donkey (Numbers 22:1-35)…  

Communion Service for Advent Sunday