Matthew 10.40-42 What’s the furthest you’ve hiked across country? How is the good done to Jesus’ disciples as if it were good done to Jesus Himself? How were the disciples to understand their reception? What confirming authority does Jesus bestow on his disciples? What warnings or encouragements would you …
Category: Bible Study
May 27
Bible Study: Acts 2:1-21
May 06
Bible Study: John 14:1-14
Apr 28
Bible Study John 10.1-10
Hello! I have put together this week’s Bible study and now I fancy a pie! (and if you could see me you might say I have already had too many!) Have a look at the Bible study and you will see why i have a pie craving, and I hope it gives you an appetite …
Mar 25
Bible Study – Luke 1: 26-38
Thoughts on Luke 1:26-38 from Reverend Ann on the Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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